Wow today has been so beautiful. I am off today and tomorrow and I am enjoying it beyond limits. Dana called an in service today and well to our surprise she gave everyone a bag with our names embroidered on it and we enjoyed sugary sweets. The card itself made me cry. I can say this...I LOVE MY BOSS! I thank God everyday for her! I do thank God for Alison too! We are all able to laugh and have fun and still be serious about our profession. I love being a MDS nurse. I have spent much of the day outside and it has been wonderful. Nice to wear halter tops and enjoy the sun. It has been a let the sunroof back kinda day. Thank you, Lord! Zach is outside playing with Bonnie, our boxer. I was planning to spend the weekend at the beach (or in Newberry) but the beach is on fire..yes I said it. A fire broke out and part of the South Carolina coast is on fire. I pray that everyone gets out safe and the fire depts can get it under control. Lord, I don't ask for much but a little rain for those people would be very nice! Amen! I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed day!!
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