Zach has decided to become a Jr. Dragster! YES!!! I didn't know he was all that interested until he told Jesse he wanted to race. He didnt show too much interest in drag racing when Ben took us to Georgia.
It was exciting and I enjoyed it other than getting sunburned. We will be going to Georgia again this year for April 18th, tickets are in hand and hotel booked. This will probably be the last time we will go there. WE HAVE CONCORD!! Its a lot nicer. http://www.lowesmotorspeedway.com/dragway/ I am ready to go! We also have a local strip to go to in Jefferson. Zach will be able to go there and practice. Upon searching for dragsters....OH MY! I didn't realize they were so expensive (got one already!) and a lot of time goes into it but hey who knows he may be going to NHRA someday....And no he will not be racing my G8...not in this lifetime! The first pic is from April 26, 2009(couldn't post all 77 pics) and the second is something Zach found to get an idea. We are going to have a fun filled summer that's for sure!
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