Friday, June 18, 2010

Keep up the faith

We all go through hard times in life, sometimes it confuses us so much we can't see or think clear. We all know God is not the author of confusion the devil is. When the devil sees that we are happy and all is well he throws stumbling blocks in our path to try and make us fall. Each stumbling block he puts out- he makes it harder but with God's help and through prayer we can break those blocks down and defeat the devil. Here is a verse to remember.. "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men~ Matthew 16:23. We need to pray each day and ask God to build a hedge of protection around us. The more happier we are and the more we walk with Jesus; the more the devil comes at us. Always remember when the devil comes knocking at your door always turn and say "Jesus, can you get that". Jesus is always glad to help and He is never far away! Keep your head up and never let up! Every storm you go through Jesus is there with you!

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