The spirit of the Lord God..has sent me to bring good news...to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor. ~Isaiah 61:1-2
2009 is gone..welcome 2010! I look back at 2009 and I must say it had it's ups and downs but it ended beautifully! God has been good to me even through the trying times. I have grown a lot in this year and look forward to growing even more this year. I made new friends and reconnected with some old friends, even reconnected with an old flame after 13 years!
Things are going to be different this year. Me and my son will be on our own. With my grandfather needing more care my parents are moving in with him and we are staying at their house. So much to look forward to! I know God will be there every step of the way. So far the rekindled love is going great. It's amazing after 13 years the love is still strong. So memories and so many plans.
I have been filling out papers to go back to school to get my RN and I am officially registered! This has been in the works for a while now but finally I have made a move!
I look forward to growing more in the light of God this year. Lately, I have missed Sunday morning services because I am at the hospital. I know God understands but I feel like I am being slack. I haven't been doing my Bible study like I was and I feel its catching up to me. My boyfriend has been joining me and Zach on Sundays nights. I know he will be a great part in my life and especially my walk with God.
I use to make New Year Resolutions but we all know they don't work. We keep some while the others fall through the crack. I think it's so much better when you put it all in God's hands and let Him take care of it. So whatever you have; give it to Him. God will take care of everything! I hope everyone has a wonderful new year and may God pour His blessings out to you all!
1 comment:
Hi jennifer. Thanks for the kind comment on my blog today. Glad you found me.
And congrats on moving forward to get your RN!!
2010 Blessings ~ Rachel
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