As we were at the beach celebrating Zach's birthday we decided to take a helicopter ride over the ocean. I had never been on a helicopter til then and always said I would never ride in one. I was glad I did! The view was breathtaking!!! Never have I saw the world in so much beauty. As we went over the ocean, I was like WOW! God made all this! Watching the waves rush to the shore and to even look down into the water and see schools of fish was amazing! God is good~ All the time! The world is a beautiful place and I thank God for giving me the opportunity to see it from His view. I can only imagine when God and the Angels look down on this earth what they really see, it has to be more beautiful than what I saw that day! GOD, you are an awesome God! As this is my temporary home here on earth, I will make the best of it til I am face to face with You in heaven! Amen!
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. ~Ecclesiastes 3:11
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