Thursday, October 22, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Went to the concert on October 16th and it was AWESOME!!! It's so nice to have Christian singers like Toby! We had 5th row tickets but luckily thanks to Amy and her husband they traded seats with us and we got 2nd row seats!!! YAY!!! Toby gave a wonderful speech on how we stumble and fall but the main thing to do is get up, move forward and don't look back. Focus on God! Zach and I sang and danced to the songs. We look forward to going to many more concerts! God bless you all!

Monday, October 12, 2009
4 Days and counting down!!!
In the life of Jennifer..thanks to God
It's about time to update you on how things are going for me. So very good! As you see through my posts, I have had some new experiences and look forward to many more. Everyday is a new experience for me by the people I meet and the things I learn and do. No regrets because what I've been through has made me who I am and who I am becoming. I've come a long way baby!! Recently, I have been working with the GA's at church and I love working with the little girls- they are so fun! I recently became part of a new ministry at church and I volunteered to help with Children's Church. Life is good....GOD is good- All the time! I live for the Lord and it's all for Him! I love my life and how it has turned out thanks to God. No looking back! My eyes are on you Lord! I want to encourage everyone who doesn't know the LORD to seek Him and come to know Him. Life is so much better! The LORD will open up doors for you that no one else can. He will there when others turn their back. He is the light and the truth. Amen! I look forward to all the doors God is going to open for me and more!
2 Corinthians 5:17~ Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
A Room with a Beautiful View

As we were at the beach celebrating Zach's birthday we decided to take a helicopter ride over the ocean. I had never been on a helicopter til then and always said I would never ride in one. I was glad I did! The view was breathtaking!!! Never have I saw the world in so much beauty. As we went over the ocean, I was like WOW! God made all this! Watching the waves rush to the shore and to even look down into the water and see schools of fish was amazing! God is good~ All the time! The world is a beautiful place and I thank God for giving me the opportunity to see it from His view. I can only imagine when God and the Angels look down on this earth what they really see, it has to be more beautiful than what I saw that day! GOD, you are an awesome God! As this is my temporary home here on earth, I will make the best of it til I am face to face with You in heaven! Amen!
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. ~Ecclesiastes 3:11
Zach's birthday

My son is no longer a baby. On September 26th, he celebrated his 12th birthday at the Mrytle Beach. I am so blessed to have a son like him. He attends church faithfully and is very involved. He loves reading the Bible and learning about Christ. I pray he continues to go in the right path and grow up a Godly man. From those who havent seen Zach in a while...He is taller than me and is very intelligent. He is in the gifted and talented at school and makes honor roll. I recently went to a parent/teacher conference where I heard nothing but wonderful things! I am so proud of my son! I love you Zach!!!
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. ~Proverbs 22:6
Cowboy Church

It's been a while since I blogged so here I am. Been busy with a lot of stuff. A couple of Thursdays ago I went to Cowboy Church and had a blast along with being fed by the word of God. Zach got to ride horses before service and join in on the youth group. It was a lot different than traditional church but WOW! Was it good! God and Pastor Jack did a wonderful job! I look forward to going back and of course riding horses!!! God bless you all!
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