I love reading some of my friend's inspirational words. My friend Van writes words so beautifully and I admire her so much. When I need encouragement I can always go to her page and find positive words. I am posting her work to share with others as she wants it to be. She is a very beautiful person and a true woman of God....someone I look up to as I walk in my journey.
As I spent time with God Monday night....I kept seeing this old dirt road which led into a woods(struggles).I felt like God wanted me to share with others how we should travel this dirt road that will eventually lead us to our own personal destination, planned by Him.
As we travel along life's dirt road, struggles will come our way. God says, "Do not look to the left or to the right, don't even look ahead until you've looked above."
Sometimes we just look ahead and start running, without looking above, to the Almighty one for His guidance. We just run on ahead as we know we shouldn't focus on the darkness around us. But sometimes we tend to want to get through a circumstance so fast, we forget to Stop and BE STILL to see what God has planned and how He wants us to deal with it. What does He want us to learn or what does He want someone else to learn as they watch us as we patiently,joyfully and never wavering in our faith go through a struggle.
So remember look above to Him, the Almighty one. The one who knows best. The one who will turn what was meant for bad into good. Give Him your praise as He pours down His mercy and grace. Look above as He shines His light on your dirt path to see you through the woods(struggles). Your struggles will look dim in compared to His light.
Have a blessed journey
Veneldia J Hummel
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