I took the day off from work and enjoyed being outdoors. Me and my mom planted some flowers. Zach of course was on the computer looking up stuff for school. It's been a wonderful and blessed day. it's going to keep getting better. God is good- All the time! Lord, thank you for such a beautiful day! Miss being around the people at work but not the work itself.. Love you Dana and Alison! I am thinking about ya'll!!! I am still looking at bee keeping. I may have to do classes next January. I will keep my ears open for info. If anyone comes across anything let me know!!! (HUGS) God bless you all!!!
Jenn, I took the course at USC Lancaster last year. it was very interesting. i havent started bee keeping yet, but am still a member of the bee association in sc. they have a monthly meeting at springs in the sims room. ill shoot you an email and let you know when the next one is. i get a postcard each month prior to the meeting. maybe we can meet up there.
That would be awesome!!!! I am so excited already! Thank you so much!!!
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